Where is VK2/W7BRS?
- You got the updated country file, check.
- Now you gotta find me on the bands....
Here is a list of the frequencies I will use. I will use DXSummit to self-spot when appropriate.
FT-8 Frequencies
Always 091 up from the band edge except as noted (*)
Always Normal F/H with WSJT-X (Not SuperFox)
- 80m - 3591
- 40m - 7077 **
- 20m - 14091
- 15m - 21091
- 10m - 28091
- 30m - 10105 *
- 17m - 18105 *
- 12m - 24922 *
CW Frequencies
Work split. I will Tx on 038 up from the band edge and listen 1+. Except where noted (*)
- 80m - 3538
- 40m - 7038
- 20m - 14038
- 15m - 21038
- 10m - 28038
- 30m - 10120 *
- 17m - 18070 - 18072 *
- 12m - 24895 *
SSB Frequencies
This is more difficult to predict, but these ranges are expected. I will always work split (I will be listening UP 5 Kc, always)
- 80m - 3838 - 3844 (*)
- 40m - 7170 ~ 7180
- 30m - 10125 (**)
- 20m - 14208 ~ 14220
- 17m - 18140 ~ 18146
- 15m - 21222 ~ 21238
- 12m - 24945 - 24950
- 10m - 28550 ~ 28560
I have to adhere to the Australian Band Plan, of course. Please find it here.
Effort has been made to ensure that YOUR international (NA/SA/JA/EU/OC/AS) Tx frequencies are in-band as required. If there is an error on my part, please contact me (via QRZ Email), thank you.