
 Lord Howe Island / July 2024

  • WHEN: QRV July 11th -- August 1st, 2024
  • WHERE: Lord Howe Island
  • WHAT: DX on 40m through 10m. Other bands as conditions permit.
  • MODES: CW, SSB and FT-8
  • CONTEST: Will participate in RSGB IOTA CW Contest July 27-28.
  • LOG: OQRS managed by M0URX
  • TEAM: W7BRS ...


Call-sign Authority:
In the ARRL DXCC List LHI has the prefix VK9L,
however LHI is in New South Wales, call area 2. A good summary from RASA

Online Resources

QRV Plan

(All dates/times are local to the site listed)

  1. Depart Seattle, WA July 17th
  2. Arrive LHI, July 19th
  3. Setup July 19th - 20th (approx)
  4. Operate through August 1st (approx)
  5. Tear-down late August 1st (approx)
  6. Return Seattle on or about August 2nd.


  • Transceiver: Elecraft K3, Backup KX3.
  • PA: Elecraft KPA-500 + KAT-500
  • Antenna: Multi-band vertical for 40-10
  • Laptop PC for FT-8 (WSJT-X F/H)

Small Film

I made a short film. It will document highlights and provide an essence of the experience on Lord Howe Island. Please enjoy.